Trine 2:sta odotellaan edelleen

On se jännää. Trine 2:sta päästiin pelaamaan jo joulukuun alussa PC:llä ja 20. päivän tienoilla PS3:lla sekä Xboxilla. PS3:n osalta tosin Eurooppa ei ole vieläkään saanut kyseistä peliä Storeen. Koko muutaman kuukauden ajan olen ihmetellyt, että kuinka on mahdollista jarruttaa yhdellä alueella samaa peliä? Ilmeisesti syy olikin varsin hyvä, bugi joka voi aiheuttaa pelin jäätymisen.
Pelin FB sivuilta löytyi seuraava viestiketju:
Hi guys, weeks after weeks, Trine 2 stills unavaible on the European PSN… Someone on the PS Blog says that there is a bug and that you’re fixing it at the moment. Is it true ? Is it a fake ? Can we get some news ? Thanks !

 ·  · 1 February at 22:05 · 

    • Trine 2 Yes we are fixing a bug and that should be done soon. It’s hard to predict a release but earliest would be late February now… fingers crossed…

      1 February at 22:25 · 
    • Julien Keith Oh okay, I understand. I trust you to do as quick as possible !
      But the xbox and US PSN versions will be patched i guess ? So it means that the bug is important enough to cancel the release on a plateform, but nethertheless I never saw any site reporting a big bug on Trine 2, and Microsoft and Sony US didn’t see it too, so it means it’s an important bug that nobody ever saw, i’m confused…

      1 February at 22:31 · 
    • Trine 2 Well, we will update the XBLA and US PSN versions if an opportunity comes up (and include other fixes too), but it is not related to EU QA… The bug in question is a crash bug so of course it needs to be fixed (it’s just very rare and wasn’t found in the US version, but it probably exists there too). Ultimately we are indeed working very hard to fix the bug and once that’s done it will be out of our hands again, and we will keep our fingers crossed for the release as soon as possible… Sorry for the constant delays!

      1 February at 22:44 · 
    • Julien Keith I understand. Thanks a lot for your anwser, you are a great studio and being close to your fans is a really really good thing. I hope the game will be released in February, and I keep my finger crossed. Btw, good luck for the bug guys, all your fans are now waiting for you !!

      1 February at 22:55 · 
    • Trine 2 Thanks. Let’s hope it goes well from now on!

(wow, jännästi osaa kopioida FB:sta 😀 )

Varsin jännää ettei ole muualla tästä raportoitu eli bugi on todella harvinainen ja olisi varmaan voitu korjata myös jälkeenpäin. Nyt kuitnekin on usealla kuukaudella Eurooppalaisia pelaajien annettu odottaa vaikka muualla on pelaaminen onnistunut ilman ongelmia olemassa olevasta bugista huolimatta. No nyt voi odotella ihan rauhassa kun on FFXIII-2 koneen sisällä hyrräämässä…. 🙂